UpReach App
The UpReach App is the Photo System software running locally on all UpReach devices. Its sole purpose is to display the user flow and capture photos/videos based on your Configurations. No data is stored locally and everything is being set up and controlled via the UpReach Cloud.
As the UpReach App is being constantly improved and updated every few weeks, make sure to always use the latest release. We recommend you to visit our 📋 Changelog every now and then to learn about new features, changes and bug fixes.
- UpReach App: getting started 🇬🇧 — The UpReach App starts automatically after turning on your Photo System. It is pretty self-explanatory and easy to use. These articles explain how to get started with the UpReach App.
- Open the UpReach App — The UpReach App starts automatically after turning on the Photo System. Besides this, it can always be opened manually by tapping on the “UpReach App” icon in the Desktop. Starting might take up to 1 minute. If the App does not start, please Restart the Photo System and wait until the App starts automatically.
- Exit the UpReach App — 1
- Restart or shut down the Photo System — 1
- Open the on-screen touchscreen keyboard — On the Windows Desktop either:
- Connect to Wi-Fi — 1
- Connect to LAN/Ethernet — 1
- Download a Deployment and its Configurations — This article explains how to download a Deployment and its Configurations locally in the UpReach App on a device using the Deployment ID. If you have access to the UpReach Cloud you can also Install a Deployment on a device remotely.
- Remove a Deployment and its Configurations from the App — This article explains how to remove a Deployment and all its Configurations from the UpReach App on a device.
- Select & start a Configuration — 1
- Upload queue (automatic offline mode) — If there is no internet connection via our mobile router or your Wi-Fi network, all data (photos, emails, SMS, form submissions, analytics etc.) are temporarily stored in an upload queue. As soon as the connection is restored, all data will be uploaded & sent out.
- Update the UpReach App — 🚧👷♀️
- UpReach App: Erste Schritte 🇩🇪 — Die UpReach App startet automatisch, nachdem das Foto-System eingeschaltet wurde. Sie ist größtenteils selbsterklärend und einfach zu verwenden. Diese Artikel erklären die wichtigsten Grundfunktionen, um einen möglichst schnellen Einstieg zu ermöglichen.
- UpReach App öffnen — Die UpReach App öffnet sich automatisch nach dem Start des Foto-Systems. Zudem kann sie durch tippen auf das “UpReach App” Desktop-Icon manuell gestartet werden. Der Startvorgang kann bis zu 1 Minute in Anspruch nehmen. Falls die App nicht startet, bitte das Foto-System neustarten und warten, bis die App sich automatisch öffnet.
- UpReach App verlassen — 1
- Foto-System neustarten oder herunterfahren — 1
- Touchscreen-Tastatur öffnen — Auf dem Windows-Desktop tippe entweder:
- Mit WLAN Verbinden — 1
- Mit LAN/Ethernet verbinden — 1
- Deployment und Configurations herunterladen — Dieser Artikel erklärt, wie man ein Deployment mit allen verbundenen Configurations anhand der Deployment ID lokal in die UpReach App herunterladen kann. Wenn du Zugang zur UpReach Cloud hast, kannst du das Deployment auch aus der Ferne installieren: Install a Deployment on a device remotely.
- Deployment und Configurations von der App entfernen — Dieser Artikel erklärt, wie man ein Deployment und alle verbundenen Configurations aus der UpReach App auf einem Gerät entfernt.
- Configuration auswählen & starten — 1
- Upload-Warteschlange (automatischer Offline-Modus) — Falls keine Internetverbindung über unseren Mobilfunk-Router oder dein lokales Wlan verfügbar ist, werden alle Daten (Fotos, E-Mails, SMS, Formulareinträge, Analytics etc.) temporär in einer Upload-Warteschlange zwischengespeichert. Sobald die Internetverbindung wiederhergestellt wurde, werden alle Daten hochgeladen & versandt.
- UpReach App updaten — 🚧👷♀️
- App User Flow — The User Flow is the process a user goes through while using the UpReach App. It describes all steps a user experiences, from choosing a Capture Mode via taking a photo through to preview & sharing. Unlike softwares of other providers, the UpReach App offers a non-linear user flow which allows the user to navigate back or forth at any point in the user flow.
- In-App Settings — The UpReach App offers a selected range of local settings so you can adjust the App to your event. All general & user flow settings are done in the UpReach Cloud. To access the in-app settings or exit the App, tap on the upper right corner of the Start Screen | Capture Modes, select the desired settings section and enter your Exit/settings password.
- Camera settings
- Chroma Keying color adjustments — These settings allow you to adjust the Chroma Keying color settings to your background color (e.g. green screen or blue screen) to make your background removal with Chroma Keying work well and look good.
- Print counter & notifications