UpReach Cloud

The UpReach Cloud is our central cloud platform, powering all devices, deployments & features. It is both data storage and control center, allowing you and us to set up everything remotely via any browser on any device.

As the UpReach Cloud is being constantly improved and updated we recommend you to visit our Changelog every now and then to learn about new features, changes and bug fixes.


  • UpReach Cloud: getting startedThese articles explain the logical structure of the UpReach Cloud and the basic process of setting up the UpReach Cloud for your event.
    • Structure of the UpReach CloudThe UpReach Cloud data structure is categorized into several entities which are all connected to each other. This structure is also represented in the user interface of the Cloud, including the header menu with the sections “Deployments”, “Configurations” etc.
    • Basic event setup processThese articles explain the steps which you have to take to set up your event/project/deployment in the UpReach Cloud, from setting up Deployments to creating Configurations to installing them on your Devices.
  • DeploymentsA Deployment is basically an event/project with one UpReach Device (e.g. Photo System). It is not your booking with UpReach though - if you have 1 booking including multiple events/projects/devices, you will have multiple Deployments, too: 1 Deployment for every event/project/device.
    • Create a new DeploymentThis article explains how to create a new Deployment for your event. A Deployment is required in order to use a Configuration on your event. For more information, please refer to Deployments.
    • Clone/copy an existing DeploymentThis article explains how to clone an existing Deployment, e.g. to use the same settings and data for another event. A Deployment is required in order to use a Configuration on your event. For more information, please refer to Deployments.
    • Add a Configuration to a DeploymentThis article explains how to add a Configuration to a Deployment. A Deployment can contain multiple Configurations. All assigned Configs will be available in the UpReach App for selection (see Select & start a Configuration).
    • Get the Deployment IDThe Deployment ID is a Deployment’s unique identifier and required to install a Deployment and all its Configurations locally in the UpReach App. You can also Install a Deployment on a device remotely without using the Deployment ID.
    • Install a Deployment on a device remotelyThis article explains how to install a Deployment and all its Configurations on any device remotely via the UpReach Cloud. You can also Get the Deployment ID and install it locally in the UpReach App instead.
    • Sync a Deployment's photos/videos live to a Dropbox folderWith the UpReach Cloud you can send your photos & videos live to any other service or app using Dropbox. Simply connect your Dropbox account in a Deployment’s settings and select the rules/conditions based on which photos should be synced. Now every photo/video of this Deployment will be directly synced to the Dropbox folder you have selected. It’s that simple!
  • ConfigurationsA Configuration (abbr. “Config”) is the entire set of settings, information & designs creating a photo experience on the UpReach devices. It contains all information for the user flow in the UpReach App such as capture mode settings, layouts and sharing texts, among others. It can be changed at any time online in the UpReach Cloud, even during usage on a live Deployment. Changes are automatically synced live to the App.
    • Create a new ConfigurationThis article explains how you can create a new Photo System Configuration in the UpReach Cloud from scratch.
    • Clone/copy an existing ConfigurationThis article explains how you can copy/clone an existing Photo System Configuration in the UpReach Cloud. It can save you a lot of time as this inherits all settings and contents to the new copied Configuration.
    • Quick Setup Wizard (QSW)The Quick Setup Wizard allows you to easily personalize your UpReach experience in a simple & visual way. For an advanced setup, please refer to the Advanced Settings.
    • Advanced SettingsThe advanced Configuration settings provide you full control over all detailed options and features the UpReach App user flow offers. For an easier & simpler setup, please refer to the Quick Setup Wizard (QSW).
      • 1. Standby ScreenThe Standby Screen is what users will see when the device is not actively used. Users can close it by tapping anywhere on the screen. An attractive Standby Screen means more people taking photos!
      • 2. Start Screen & general settingsThe Start Screen | Capture Modes is where users can choose their desired capture mode. It displays all capture modes which you have selected. It is the first screen the user sees when approaching the photo system and is also being displayed after each user session (both depending on your 1. Standby Screen settings). You can upload your own logo and background image or simply choose a background color. This settings page also includes some other general settings & features.
      • 3. Scenes(work in progress)
      • 4./5./6. Photo/GIF/BoomerangEach Capture Mode offers a broad selection of detailed options for individualization. You can choose your desired countdown time, photo aspect ratio, print & digital layout orientation & design, animation speed and many more options.
      • 7. Sharing Settings
      • 8. Forms
  • Media
  • Analytics
  • ClientsThis is your company account in the UpReach Cloud. It contains the basic data of your organization and all of your data in the UpReach Cloud is connected to it to make sure only you can access it (and nobody else!). Data which is not connected to your Client account will not be accessible for you.
  • DevicesCapture Devices are UpReach’s hardware products such as Photo Systems, Camera Arrays or Hashtag Printers (among others).