Clone/copy an existing Configuration

This article explains how you can copy/clone an existing Photo System Configuration in the UpReach Cloud. It can save you a lot of time as this inherits all settings and contents to the new copied Configuration.

Copying a configuration will copy all of its contents, including its settings, texts & uploaded files.



Click on the section Configurations in the top menu bar and log in if required.


Find the Configuration you want to copy by scrolling through the table, using the filters & sorting or via the search field in the upper right corner of the Configurations table.


Click on the ⋮ icon (three dots) of your configuration at the right side of the table and choose “Copy configuration”.


Enter a distinctive name to identify your new Configuration and confirm. This could refer to the desired user flow, design or also the project for which it is going to be used.


This will open one of the two following editors, depending on the Configuration you have copied:

  • The Quick Setup Wizard (QSW) which allows you to personalize your UpReach experience in a simple & visual way. To omit the QSW, skip to the last step of the QSW and click on “Save & go to advanced settings” below the “Save” button.

  • The Advanced Settings with the entire set of options & features the UpReach Cloud offers.